The Most Significant Programming Languages In Chronological Order

Programming LanguageRelease YearCreator(s)Primary Purpose
Fortran1957IBM (John Backus and team)Scientific and engineering calculations
Lisp1958John McCarthySymbolic computation and AI research
COBOL1959Committee of experts (Grace Hopper)Business data processing and commercial applications
ALGOL1958International Committee (Peter Naur)Algorithmic language for scientific computation
BASIC1964John Kemeny and Thomas KurtzTeaching and ease of use
Pascal1970Niklaus WirthTeaching structured programming and data structuring
C1972Dennis Ritchie at Bell LabsSystem programming and operating systems (e.g., UNIX)
Smalltalk1980Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, et al.Object-oriented programming and GUI development
C++1985Bjarne StroustrupExtension of C with object-oriented features
Objective-C1984Brad Cox and Tom LoveObject-oriented programming (NeXTSTEP, macOS/iOS)
Perl1987Larry WallText processing, system administration, web development
Haskell1990Committee of researchersPurely functional programming language
Python1991Guido van RossumGeneral-purpose programming, readability and simplicity
Java1995James Gosling, Mike Sheridan (Sun)Platform-independent application development
JavaScript1995Brendan Eich (Netscape)Web development (client-side scripting)
PHP1995Rasmus LerdorfServer-side scripting for web development
Ruby1995Yukihiro MatsumotoGeneral-purpose programming, web development (Rails)
C#2000Microsoft (Anders Hejlsberg)Windows applications and enterprise software
Swift2014Apple Inc. (Chris Lattner, et al.)iOS and macOS application development
Kotlin2011JetBrainsAndroid development, interoperable with Java